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  1. So when is the next ban wave coming? These people are getting way out of control AGAIN as usual !!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
  2. OMG !!!! Huge 50116 ban wave in progress !!!! WooooooHooooooooo Nice going PB !!!!! Remove all the lamers !!!!!
  3. Lately I've noticed in the BF3 PBBans list that the number of #50120 bans have slowed way down then the amount that were being placed over the last couple of weeks. I was pretty impressed with PB to actually finally set a wave of these bans and remove a lot of the players that I have been suspicious about for months. These players seem to be the the long term (hiding) cheaters that have a very high rank and playtime. We need several more waves of these bans set on these players as I feel that the ones banned for the #50120 violation are the most menacing in this game and there are still tons more that need to be removed. So by all means, please continue! Thanks
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