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Singh400 last won the day on April 5 2017

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  1. Cheers!
  2. GUID: f39665a5d0df3321e8262254e49bc08d https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-guid-search-f39665a5d0df3321e8262254e49bc08d.html shows no results. But this PB_GUID is banned: https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-ban-402245.html Something broken somewhere? Cheers, Singh
  3. Really? Come on, at the end of the day everyone here is in the very small minority of people who run and admin servers. The amount of lamenting going on because of what is happening with BF1 is now approaching borderline hilarious. You can decry EA/DICE as much as you want, but at some point it becomes slightly ridiculous. Like I said before:-
  4. Because those plugins don't sell a game. I'd say less than 1% of players care about administration functionality.
  5. It won't. To even suggest it means you aren't inline with most of the BF fanbase. You could tell that Hardline was set to fail from the get go. If anything, I think BF1 is set to be the biggest BF yet.
  6. Minimum requirements are ridiculous IMO. I'm running this game fine on an unlocked HD6950 2GB (which makes it a HD6970).
  7. https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/discussion/19282/battlefield-1-minimum-pc-requirements Here are the minimum PC requirements for Battlefield 1 on PC. OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Processor (AMD): AMD FX-6350 Processor (Intel): Core i5 6600K Memory: 8GB RAM Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB Graphics card (NVIDIA): nVidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB DirectX: 11.0 Compatible video card or equivalent Online Connection Requirements: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection Hard-drive space: 10Gb Note: The full game will require more space on your hard drive. The recommended PC requirements for the full game will be confirmed soon. The teams at EA/DICE
  8. I thought it was okay, the map was shit.
  9. I'm going to change it so that you add the PBScreens URL in a format that makes sense. This makes more sense: https://pbscreens.com/?screens-view-265 Than this gibberish: https://pbscreens.com/?screens-view-460-0--0-100-0-0-
  10. That's because you are adding the incorrect URL. You need to add the URL exactly like this: https://pbscreens.com/?screens-view-460-0--0-100-0-0-
  11. Minor update to fix bug with PBScreens integration. Download link in signature has been updated.
  12. No, you definitely found a bug. I've fixed it. Will be updating shortly.
  13. I think you found a bug. I should be able to fix it tonight. Cheers, Singh
  14. BF1 will be supported from day one, exactly the same BF:H was.
  15. Updated to v0.9.5. Only noticeable change is that you can now find a PBSS path from an IP. Download link in signature.
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