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  1. Alright but are you saying someone caught by Punkbuster with a full on aimbot, wallhack whatever-the-heck-hack only is kicked for 2 minutes? No such hardware bans exist? Where is the deterrent? I'm thinking PB is really a disgrace if that's true. Or are these two minute kicks for mild offenses like a cvar tweak. I mean seriously, EA for example pay no doubt tens of thousands to PB which indirectly comes out of our pockets when we buy games and they dish out 2 minute slap on the wrist. Ha, what a rip off, that makes me almost as mad as hack users.
  2. PBBans and GGC-stream: What are these two websites for? Punkbuster detects and bans what do we need these websites for. What can they do that Punkbuster doesn't? Are you telling me they detect hacks and PB doesn't? Why does PB even exist then if these two websites do it for them? These website seem completely redundant? Doesn't make sense to me. Anyone care to explain? Punkbuster detects a hack and bans the player. PBBans picks that info up and puts it on a ban list for server admins, what the heck for Punkbuster already banned them. It's like banning them twice lol. You're double banned! "PB banned you well we ban you too! So there" lol I don't get it.
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