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Everything posted by lampy007

  1. i have found the pbsvlog.cfg it says "// Add your streaming PB sites here" could you tell me exactly what i am meant to put in there as i am not quite sure.
  2. 1) You are already attached to Account #12582 2) [MSG] No error occured during setup. Server should be ready to stream [MSG] Closing connection ... [MSG] Connection closed 3) You currently do not have access to this area You must be logged into our forums and have a forum status of Streaming Game Admin status or higher If you have just started or resumed streaming your forum status will be automaticly updated within the next few hours. 2 4) Game Arena has put both files "pbsv.cfg" and "pbucon.use" but i am not sure how to "Edit pbsvlog.cfg ( with your data you entered in the application) , and enter configuration files downloaded from"
  3. Hi all i have been a member here for a while but this is my first time streaming a server, i "think" i have done everything right up to now i am to the point where i have to upload the 2 files to the server and i am completely lost, has anyone uploaded files to Game Arena and could give me an idea how it works. So i have the status on here as Not Streaming "Not Streaming" I have the server on here, i have done the automated hub streaming thing. hopefully this is all i need to do and then somehow upload these files. thanks for any help in advance its appreciated. regards Lampy
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