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Everything posted by imaculate

  1. well i have found out EB has resolved this issue. For anyone that opened a ticket and has not receive a response, please try to enter the game as you've likely been fixed. This has happened to many i've spoken to. Good luck and happy fragging!
  2. assuming it's because of all the tickets they are getting inundated with?
  3. Well good news! EB corrected the issue after submitting the ticket!
  4. pwnd! Now please don't infer i am any of these guys just because i am experiencing the same issues. I have sent a ticket as suggested and appreciate the feedback and direction.
  5. It's affecting me too! I heard it was something to do with overlays. Right now i have anything off that appears to have it such as Steam, Teamspeak, xfire etc... But I didn't think about ATI's tray tools. I will look into seeing how to disable this and if it works for me. edit: Turned off ATI's tool try but that didn't work either. I actually have everything now off and still get a boot.
  6. i've been getting complaints from players on my streaming server. What is this issue?
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