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About Movian

  • Birthday 07/09/1985

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Coding, martial arts, Gymnastics, Circus skills, fire breathing, paintballing, reading, roleplay.... etc etc etc
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Well what do you know.... its working again! thanks for the info Immaculate. Guess PB made a booboo that affected a whole bunch of people... they could at least have apologized in the ticket .... but Im' happy to be playing with my friends again
  2. Again i appreciate the info. That its definitely my account, however it still doesn't provide any reason for the global ban. It's interesting that it shows the same server for the first AND last time it saw me. I updated my Even balance ticket with the new info... haven't heard back from them since 10AM this morning (CST) and its now 7:54 CST so I'm guessing they wont get around to it till tomorrow. If you could remove the image now though that would be great. Although one octect is removed that still only leaves 255 possible ip's and as mine is semi static i don't like the idea of it being available online...
  3. What the heck... "Public access can not view clean players." So I'm band but I'm clean? Well i have a ticket in with EB and i KNOW i haven't used any cheats so hopefully they will get this resolved soon. Thank you for finding that for me SuperTaz ~Edit~ out of interest how do you locate your GUID ? i looked for it earlier and couldn't find it.
  4. Hey, I am having this same problem. Started yesterday after several weeks of no issues. I have a ticket into EB, they asked me to produce a list of running processes which i did but have not got a response yet (been waiting 5 hours). Did they get you to change something ? or did they change something on their end ? i am just seeing if there is any other trouble shooting i can do while i wait for them to respond. Thanks in advance.
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