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Everything posted by dyno

  1. I beat the two fastest admin board-whores? My day is now complete. Yes... it's just stat based so we'll see what happens. If it's configurable by map, weapon and then vehicle names are actually reported(!) it could work. Hoping the kicks for 'lucky kill streaks' will be minimal. =\ The plus side is that now we can blame it on FairFight instead of a KPM kicker. lol
  2. Since this PBBANS post is the first result for Battlefield fairfight, here is the newest information from DICE: http://blogs.battlefield.com/2013/09/this-is-the-bf4-beta/
  3. For those wondering: DO I GIVE MYSELF A RAISE IN PAY?
  4. UPDATE / FIXED: It was due to our host not allowing the new EvenBalance IPs through their firewall -- YOU WERE RIGHT TAZ!!! So this was a GSP wide issue that has been resolved! It's too bad this wasn't identified sooner by the host. Who knows how many globally banned players connected and played on our servers when they infact shouldn't have been able to.
  5. The only reason they're updated is because we manually opened a ticket with our host, NFO, to repair / replace all files on each install. If no ticket was opened the servers would still be running the outdated version. When I went thought the MSI nearly all servers running outdated versions of PunkBuster were from the same host, the one I'm using, which makes me believe something is up with our host. The servers were just restarted this AM. =( I'll post again to the Even Balance ticket, maybe they'll feel generous and respond.
  6. Still no response back from EvenBalance. I don't they care about the issue or how to resolve it. Bummer. My host also still has the issue: pb_sv_update PunkBuster Server: No Master Query Sent - DNS has not yet resolved for MASTER6.EVENBALANCE.COM
  7. Sorry for double post: I wanted to see if there was any way to globally poll / report the punkbuster version which is in use by the majority of game servers worldwide ? If my limited test pans out from the MSI, it looks like our host is one of the few who is using outdated punkbuster software.
  8. I'm now having this issue with our servers. The host has said that this is just one of those bugs which can crop up. How worried should I be if our servers are never able to contact evenbalance when we issue the pb_sv_update command? The response is always: Our host's explanation / fix action: I will also open a support ticket with EB to see if they have any additional suggestions but wanted to try here as well since others are having the exact same thing.
  9. I guess I needed to tripple check... the server that was in there was the old one and needed to be removed and actually had to add another one. We're gonna make a donation now as well. Welcome back and thank you........ ;)
  10. Just wanted to make a post and encourage all to double check and ensure their servers are properly listed. One of our servers was missing while the other one had an incorrect name.
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