without much ado -
Friday 01.14.2005 [4:45PM]
Version 1.124 of the PB Server for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This version converts some prior PB Violation kicks into Restriction kicks. We have confirmed that several gamehack violations (#81048-81054) triggered since the prior PB Server update on 01.07.2004 in ET could have been caused by files or memory that were corrupted by non-cheat programs such as virii, adware, no-cd programs, etc. We encourage PB Admins to give players the benefit of the doubt for these violations.
[01.11.2005 11:09:47] 9075b15c8a82e19eff25c49eb97dad30 "^dMad_^uOver^fClocker" "" "VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 81053"
Thursday 01.13.2005 [4:45PM]
We have confirmed that the recently released update for the Xfire (www.xfire.com) instant messaging program has triggered PB Violations #90003 and #90011 when the chat overlay system is used while playing on a PunkBuster enabled server in OpenGL mode. Today, Xfire released a v1.31 update to correct the problem on their end. We encourage PB admins to give the benefit of the doubt to players who received either of these violations since Dec. 30th. As these are generic cheat hook detection algorithms, we will not be removing them from our system. Players who use Xfire while playing on PB Servers should update to the new version immediately.
[01.23.2005 23:45:09] 5def69b1a93ee6e94958be9f08ade722 "sgtretard" "" "VIOLATION (VIDEO DRIVER HACK) 90003"
[01.22.2005 03:58:30] bbc0791f2a118e01d863c91740c19188 "^5bubbles" "" "VIOLATION (VIDEO DRIVER HACK) 90003"
[01.17.2005 5:11:43] b77515d3401ba197558455098917b896 "^0=|^1MoK^0|=^1Pfc^0.^1DanteDev" "" "VIOLATION (VIDEO DRIVER HACK) 90003"