I'm getting a malware warning when trying to visit this thread.
I'm guessing somebody's clan website got hacked, I rerouted the hostname to another ip just as precaution so I could visit this thread.
Hi! Thanks for the reactivation, sorry for coming across as impatient, I have moved the team roster to our Battlefield 4 Ban Appeal forum, it should be visible there, just in case I have PM'd you the link.
Regards and Thanks,
Hey thanks for the reply,
http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html says: You have an account from a previous application (AccID 14359).
You can visit the AccountCP to manage your account. If you see any errors feel free to contact a PBBans staff member.
I then go to: http://account.pbbans.com/ and I get ** Access Denied **
** Access Denied ** Account 14359 is inactive.
I submitted a ticket for an account reactivation last night, So I will wait a bit to see what happens.
Thanks anyway.