Hello guys I really need some opinions about this SS where the enemy's name was visible. People are saying this was ESP.I tried this myself, even i got the name tag while zooming in.Only happens in HC.Please let me know what you guys think.
I tried to attach it with my reply but it failed for some reason.Anyways if there is no point sumbiting it here then its fine ill try to post it in the clan forum so they will get in touch with you.thanks for the replies :)
The server he was on is streaming with pbbans.server ip is and also everytime i record something using cod 4 demo recording thing i end up losing the files.i never managed to find a file called demos in the main folder.
Hi there,I think the guy in this video has a wall hack.but am not 100% sure of it.Can you please have a look and let me know.
Many thanks.