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Everything posted by Neutro

  1. Thanks for your answer surfy :) My GSP uploaded bf3_pbbans.dat to my punkbuster root folder, i tried to load it with "pb_sv_banload <filename>" command but i get the answer "0 bans loaded from bf3_pbbans.dat". I don't know if it's punkbuster not working properly or my GSP that failed to upload the file correctly. Anyway, i followed your advise and took the time to create a new clan forum, make some friends come inside and register on it so i can apply properly.
  2. Well my GSP doesn't allow me to access punkbuster folder through ftp so I'll ask them if they can upload it by themselves. Thanks again for your help!
  3. Thanks for your answer kcinc0gnito! I found bf3.xml banlist but I don't see any way to import it on my server, any idea? If PBB would allow me to do so i would but I don't have a clan so i'm kinda stuck here :(
  4. Hello guys, I would like to be able to ban cheaters already detected on other servers using the master ban list of PBBs. The thing is that even if I rent the server by myself and a friend, we don't have a proper clan and don't aim to have one because we just play for fun and we do not plan to make competitive gaming. So my question is: is it possible to use the banlist without streaming? Thanks in advance for your answers :)
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