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Everything posted by 1220_Moppi

  1. Great, in general I agree surfy. But, if i understand you correctly, it would be enough to see some posts from me to show you our activity? O_o To see our activity, have a look at our photo and video sections. I think, there one can see our activity in form of at least two LAN-Parties every year since 2004. I will see what I can do with our forum.
  2. I agree, too. It is the first time we want to stream with PBBans and it is not possible, because the new public section in our forum we made especially for you, has no posts. Where should they come from? We made this last night? We just want to have some security on our servers and I can't imagine what forum posts have to do with that. Of course you want to see activity, but therefor we would have to open our closed section with internal information. You can't seriuosly demand that. As I have no rights to edit our website, I have to wait another day to begin streaming. I clearly think about letting well alone. Is there a chance to get an account with without any posts in our public forum? Greetz Moppi
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