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Everything posted by bonsai.jem

  1. my friction is with anti-cheat companies that do not accept valid forms evidence in any way shape or form. You could simply say that it's lag, or you could agree with it and put the player on a "watch" list of some sort. There are many ways to handle it, but when community members post videos of nuke hacks, aimbots, etc. etc. and the anti-cheat authorities say "not valid evidence" without even looking, then yes, people get frustrated. My frustration with TWL is not about this and it is not the business of anyone other than myself and the admins involved. The community needs a way to report hackers. BF3's battlelog fails to report 9 times out of 10, so it is useless. The community is who deals with the hackers first hand. The AC admins simply ban them, hidden behind the admin name. This is not a lack of respect for AC admins, just a cry for help.
  2. Well, If that's the best we can do I would GREATLY appreciate the unofficial opinions of the PBBANS admins.
  3. the match did take place on a server that streams to PBBANS. the server address was:
  4. I didn't know what else to do. Damage Modifiers can't be caught very easily without video evidence. And TWL would not listen or care because *snip* They are friends with the admins. I did submit it anyway and they are reviewing it, but many people have submitted extremely clear evidence that PBBANS eventually banned for that TWL said was perfectly normal. I can only hope PBBANS listens. I have more footage of the match if needed. But those were my only 2 encounters with *snip*because I made a point to avoid him at all costs.
  5. Hello there, In a TWL match against*snip* I caught one of their players, *poof*, making some pretty impossible kills. I recorded this, as I record every official match, and have it ready for review. This first video at, *zip* , shows *zing* doing damages of 33% in 1 shot then 77% in the next with a M16A3 for a 2 shot kill. The M16A3 can, under no circumstances, do more than 50% damage. This is obvious to myself and my team to be a damage modifier. This is the second video, *whiff* From a distance of about 60-75 meters, *oops* does 33% damage, the second bullet does 66% damage (more than the 50% damage MAXIMUM of the M16A3), and the final bullet does 11% damage for the kill. Once again, the maximum damage of the M16A3 is 25%, and A headshot doubles that for an Absolute max of 50% damage (some people think the M16A3 can do 55% absolute headshot max, but I have not found evidence of that and it still would not explain *zang*). This is an obvious damage modifier. *Whew*did this type of stuff to my entire team, unfortunately I am the only one who record because my computer is, by far, the fastest. In this match no player had a ping higher than 65 and there was no real server lag. *splurge* was the only player on the *zip*team who pulled off shots like these. How do I go about submitting this for PBBANS review? In IRC, a PBBANS admin pointed me to post in the forums.
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