Hello there, In a TWL match against*snip* I caught one of their players, *poof*, making some pretty impossible kills. I recorded this, as I record every official match, and have it ready for review.
This first video at, *zip* , shows *zing* doing damages of 33% in 1 shot then 77% in the next with a M16A3 for a 2 shot kill. The M16A3 can, under no circumstances, do more than 50% damage. This is obvious to myself and my team to be a damage modifier.
This is the second video, *whiff*
From a distance of about 60-75 meters, *oops* does 33% damage, the second bullet does 66% damage (more than the 50% damage MAXIMUM of the M16A3), and the final bullet does 11% damage for the kill.
Once again, the maximum damage of the M16A3 is 25%, and A headshot doubles that for an Absolute max of 50% damage (some people think the M16A3 can do 55% absolute headshot max, but I have not found evidence of that and it still would not explain *zang*). This is an obvious damage modifier.
*Whew*did this type of stuff to my entire team, unfortunately I am the only one who record because my computer is, by far, the fastest.
In this match no player had a ping higher than 65 and there was no real server lag. *splurge* was the only player on the *zip*team who pulled off shots like these.
How do I go about submitting this for PBBANS review? In IRC, a PBBANS admin pointed me to post in the forums.