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Everything posted by Kashmant

  1. Buenas noches a todas las personas que están leyendo este mensaje, ya han pasado 7 días desde que inicie este post, varios lo han leído, pero no entiendo porque aún no tengo respuesta, les agradecería que tuvieran algo de consideración, así fuera para responder que mi caso no será atendido y ya con esto me iré entendiendo que a veces las cosas pasan porque tienen que pasar.
  2. Buenas Noches. Ya han pasado 3 largos años desde que apele un ban con PBBANS y aún a día de hoy, es esta [01.01.2012 22:55:20] 0a90db9be1a5d8f32af75cfb8c0f0327 "Kashmant" "186.0. *. *" PBBansHub! Multihack no me siento para nada orgulloso de hablar de este tema y sé que soy él responsable de mi cuenta, ese no es el caso, hay servidores que aún tienen la linea de este comando y algunos ADMINS de algunos servidores, no la eliminan pese a verificar que PBBANS y les agradezco a los Administradores, esta levantada la restricción, dicen algunos que no la levantan que porque debo apelar a PBBANS. Escribí a Evenvalance http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/update_ticket.php?ticketnumber=EB8884000863729&password=bb0f579d6ac70669e2ee945f7a1124&special_message=new_ticket donde ellos dicen que debo apelar a PBBANS, pero entonces juego a la ruleta rusa, donde giro y giro pero no se detiene, como quiera que mi idioma natal es Español Latinoamericano, uso google traductor para hablar con los Admins de estos server y me va mal, cuando les escribo, quisiera que los ADMINS como el señor fozzer o el señor HSMagnet me ayudaran enviando nuevamente al MBi o al UMBi mi o al HUB mi GUID con la restricción levantada, para que en los servidores que tienen esa restricción, nuevamente tomaran el levantamiento de la restricción, como pueden ver, mi cuenta es solo mía, no la presto y soy el único responsable, mi última restricción apareció en servidores de GGC - Stream, lo cómico de esto, es que ellos me contestan lo siguiente #7 PawelPopolski 2/8/15 1:43 Hello kashmant, the named GUID is banned by pbbans.com. So you have to appeal there. Best regards, PawelPopolski, GGC Admin Si ellos responden que pbbans es quien me tiene baneado, a quién entonces, debo acudir???, quien me debe ayudar??? Esto se parece mucho en mi país al paseo de la muerte, en el entendido de que estas enfermo y vas a una clínica y allí no te atienden porque no tienen convenio con tu Entidad de Salud y así se la pasan hasta que el paciente muere, y bueno, hasta ahí el problema. Yo no he muerto, me gusta jugar, y tengo una anotación por eso, pero por favor, ayúdenme, otros Admin me dicen que apele en PBBANS, pero cómo apelo algo que ya esta apelado?, me podrían ayudar por favor? Muchas gracias y discúlpenme las molestias, pero no sé a quien más acudir, todos me dicen que a ustedes, entonces, ustedes díganme por favor!!!
  3. Thank you so much Mr. fozzer for your reply, I will be in the job waiting for Administratorscan help me. Are you a very friendly person.
  4. Mr. Crotan y Mr. Frozzen, thank you infinitely, these responses, I'm sorry about the language, you that have made efforts to help me, excuse me so that I feel ignored, suddenly is my desperation to fix my problem. Mr. fozzer, As you have written, and you can check always use the same PC, with the same characteristics to play the game that made me spent $ 2.500.oo to arm and enjoy the game for which I have so much trouble to fix the problem, I appreciate your responses and please excuse me again, what happens is that I have no contact you have with the administrators of all servers that you manage, and are you the only ones who can help me, why I troublesome, look I attend to people and try to be as friendly as possible because it is my job and so you have been with me, then I think this data, I try to look ascontact with administrators to help me. Thanks again, God bless you and take care.
  5. As a last impulse to find a help from Administrators of PBBans, I honestly feel ignored by you, I searched and read, one of the problems is given by the line banlist.txt file on a server, not been completely eliminated as it has sometimes I do not know how it's MBi work, must be removed manually, as you say it myself here in this post, http://www.pbbans.com/forums/banned-t158447.html now I just ask you to inform all server administrators to collaborate me deleting the line that makes some not all the servers in order to enjoy these, and very kindly did the administrator of a server I wrote the following: "i have manually removed you from the ban list but i'm not sure if it going to work. we will see after i restart the server in a couple of days or so. the problem is- this ban happened 3 months ago and you are now just letting us know about it. anyways - try to get back on the server in a couple of days." Many thanks and please, only ask for help is all.
  6. Well, to make it on time, only this server owned by the IP is PBBans, please, could collaborate, knowing that this Server Manager can help me, I just want to play, but what is not I ask. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
  7. Thanks Singh400 for information, I know we see faults in others and try to see if they are founded or not,would appreciate help me with the Administrator of that server that I can not playKardkan, that's all I seek no more and no problems with any moderator or administrator whom I respect.
  8. Okay but the servers are in service anticheats of PBBans, some of them do not let me, then to see what are the chances that you send in the list and a list for banned thereshould be another for which are not
  9. That was an error and I have proof, where I'm not banned in metabans, look at this link http://www.legionatwar.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=15636
  10. They have control of everything?? but if they ban you as one, many servers that use the MBi to take it, then you should send MBi through the same information that is not restricted, I think it is right.
  11. Look, these are the two which do not know if other problems emerge, http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/4ff621ed-7307-439e-b5d1-ccae97949aaa/iO-24-7-Karkand-1000-TICKETS-iogaming-net-NFO-CHI/ could send data to the administrator of this server to see if I have more prohibitions there??
  12. But I have not used any traps, and this has made me a problem, you have the management of many servers and can send the information, I do not want to bother with this, but if me lifted the restriction you should be well send the same data as the data of the ban, I think is how to level charges, if bad, is banned and if it's good, because you must lif tor remove the restriction, would be just.
  13. So how fix this problem, because I have many problems to get into a server, can help you as massifying information, I'm not banned, and I have that recordin my GUID,how you can help??
  14. Gentlemen PBBans, My name is Jorge and my alias is Kashmant, with you, I had an impasse solutions in the month of January, but still, I have problems on some servers and some administrators say, I'm banned for you, please I could help solve this problem, this is very boring, it can not come to any server you want, and my friends tell me they are bored with my problem and I, that should make my GUID, does not appear in MBi listbecause if I brought this problem, I appreciate the prompt response that I may have. Here I put the answer I gave evenvalance that I am not banned for them to have a little clearer by the subject. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/update_ticket.php?ticketnumber=EB5224000605529&password=74172cb31d0e114ff6dbac0bf01d90&special_message=new_ticket
  15. Esa explicación esta muy buena mangu, te felicito, ahora entiendo lo de cuando lo mandan a uno a Even Balance, pero no entiendo si ustedes manejan el ban que se genera a un usuario, entonces, queda algún registro?? o también para eliminarlo si queda debe ser solicitado a Even Balance. :-D
  16. Buenas noches, yo ya informe las razones por las cuales me apareció lo del HACK, ahora han pasado casi 3 meses desde que apele el baneo y me lo levantaron, pero aún y gracias a esto -maldito programa-, me han baneado en un servidor por 832 años, que ironía, me han tratado mal por esto y la verdad es que han pisoteado mi autoestima, ustedes que son quienes manejaron esta situación, me podrían ayudar informándome si el registro de este baneo queda permanentemente, pues la verdad es que me han hecho sentir muy mal, las personas que manejan los servidores no tienen en cuenta que detrás de un juego y un error lo que hay es una persona que tiene sentimientos, esto la verdad me ha traído desanimo incluso para trabajar, pero ya la parte personal no la voy a comentar, entonces me podrían ayudar para saber que debo hacer? yo ya mande un tiquete a Even Balance a ver ellos que me pueden ayudar, pero este trámite es muy lento, deberían tener en cuenta a los usuarios, tanto los que cometen errores, como los que no. Agradezco me den una respuesta pronta y estaré pendiente de este mensaje, Gracias Jorg£_d
  17. Good evening, I can apologize for any inconvenience cause, but I could help eveninforming me if I reported on some server? is that apparently I'm still listed by the hack,I'm sorry but I think this will bring me problems, I do not know anything more about that incident, but I want to clean all traces of it, if I could help them infinitely grateful, that I havediscouraged. Thanks.
  18. AcE, thanks for your answer, sorry that suddenly I had not put attention on the IRC but I jumped with excitement when I removed the ban and cries of joy and I think that would not let me see what I wrote. We deeply appreciate your help and please give greetings to your colleagues administrator. For Mr. MaydaX, I thank you for sending the report, I just try my wife at home, because I'm at work and she was so happy, I was sad, but missed me so sad to imagine that could have been it forme, I'd like to be part of Mr. MaydaX friends, I will send the invitation to Xfire but it appears that some time you will not connect, then I would be honored to be part of the list of friendsand if you have a server BT3, forming part of the list for thatserver. Thanks for everything and please, when a person asks to be forgiven the ban, study well the case because not everyone cheats, people that we like to have fun with our friends and family,and I am one of them, life is for enjoy and that there are bad people there are who think they are right over the heads of others, but there are other people like me who were deceived and used the game with the supposed good intentions of playing for the damage to my I did. Thank you very much. Gentlemen all, I hope to be a member and to help this good cause.
  19. Please fix general ban BT3 servers could send the issue to all ADMIN each server?? I let them in,then put the sign showing the Game Manager when I try to enter a server, I could tell if that fixes please??? Thank you. Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'Kashmant' ... Prior Kick/Ban
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