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  1. I appreciate your comments, however what you are suggesting does no happen in real life. If you have a well moderated server with experienced Admins and a good rule set, you attract players who appreciate that environment. The cheaters that you refer to are not an issue for us, as they are immediately recognised by the Admins and removed. If you are running servers that are unmoderated and left to their own devices, then I understand that the withdrawal of PunkBuster support must be of concern to you. If you run servers professionally with experienced Admins 24/7, the absence of PunkBuster support should be irrelevant, if you don't.........you have a problem.
  2. My reason for responding to this thread was my concern, that there appeared to be genuine belief that PunkBuster support meant the end of CoD4 as we know it, nothing of course could be further from the truth. I am sure, as you have said, that some find PunkBuster an essential part of running a CoD4 server. My post, from someone who has never added PunkBuster to a server, is intended to give assurance, that without PunkBuster, it is still possible to run successful servers. More input maybe required from your Admins, but taking a hands on approach rather than leaving it to the machine, can give give a much better understanding of the game, for Admins and players alike.
  3. I have read this thread with interest, having been involved in Call of Duty 4 Clans for over five years. I am now a Clan Leader of a successful Clan and have never installed PunkBuster on any of them. PunkBuster is unnecessary if you Admin your servers on a regular basis and lets face it, if you are running a server for the benefit of the players, you should be. PunkBuster has so many shortcomings that any benefits of using it or outweighed by the problems. I find it hard to believe that serious CoD4 players think that PunkBuster is somehow essential, as some contributors to this thread have said: In common with many Clans who run successful Call of Duty 4 servers without PunkBuster, I see no sign of the popularity of this game decreasing. Subsequent versions of Call of Duty have been forgotten, but Call of Duty 4; Modern Warfare lives on.
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