Hi my nick name at BattleField 3 is AWESOMEJOHN674. I am one of the fondateur of =VGQC= clan. Our server is protected by pbbans. Sunday morning I went to log on on my serveur and I was kicked non stop by punkbuster, still happening now, so I asked other people in the clan how come that was happening. One of the other fondateur in clan that is really good with computer, (because im not!) did a research and found out that I was on the pbbans black list! I was pretty amaze! I need help just to install a driver, if that can give you an idea! He told me that could happend by mystake if someone is cheeting in the neibourhoud, he told me that you guys can put on the black list everyone I.P. adress that is around! I was pretty amaze to learn that as well! So my request is to please remove me from the black list so I can go play on my own server again! Thank you, have a nice day!