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  1. Hello all, is it possible to bann player, who is constantly doing own team sabotages? Among other of those I have met a few times a guy with nick JesusLoveAllah. Every time I have seen him, he was destroying own team vehicles most of the game. I made a short video record of his actions and put it on Youtube - you can find it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sity5FM2mYY (or just search on youtube for JesusLoveAllah) Sorry for bad quality, but I have no clue, how to capture video -> this is taken by iPhone and moreover my first try to put anything on youtube :-/ In case, you can't add him to the bann list, could you please advice me, to whom shall I address a complain? On BFBC2 servers are nowadays admins very rarely. So what to do? Just a give up and let him to enjoy his funn to bother others? Thanx for any kind of advice/action... brgds dzejaar
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