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Everything posted by GazCBG

  1. Yes that what I mean, so every kick that is enforced by PBBans, is on the signatures, like the bans work, but kicks instead. The kicks are already logged by PBBans, as I have 1 kick on 2 of the 3 servers I have.
  2. Hi, I am a Admin Lite Streaming and would like to display a signature, of how many PBBans has kicked for the servers. I see there are some signatures, that have bans on it. But don't see any for kicks. Is there any chance some could be maded up? Something like it has kiced X for reason Y.
  3. Thanks, that did it :)
  4. Hi, I signed up to the lite and got approved and trying to setup the CVAR and MD5 checker, but it says I don't have permission to it, when I click oveview?
  5. Thank you for setting this up. RIght up my street as we are a new clan
  6. I do have 1 more question. How often do the downloadable file update, is it daily, hourly, or when someone is banned?
  7. Hi, Just a quick question, just got the BF3 server and see I can edit a pb/pbbans.dat Can I download the pbbans.dats from here, and then copy and paste from the download file to the server file and save it?
  8. Thanks, it is BF3. As soon as the clan has some members, and forums are busier, I will be applying for PBBans Stream.
  9. I would like to use PBBans, however the clan I am starting, is bring new, with not mean members, and the site, isn't live yet, so would not be able to stream due to this. I understand I can download your ban list, is this correct? Where do I get the download? Is there a how-to, to add the ban list? Is there away to upload the list without FTP?
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