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Everything posted by noahsilv

  1. I submitted a ticket so I will see what they tell me there, thanks guys :)
  2. Singh400 are you having the same problem? I wonder why punkbuster has been programmed to kick me in the first place. I'm not using the macros and anyway macroing isn't considered to be cheating. I don't think this is a glitch with punkbuster, but I really want to be able to play on this $200 keyboard lol
  3. Hi, I am getting kicked in Battlefield 3 for Disallowed Program/Driver error #89246 After doing some research, I figured out that this number is usually credited with people running AHK or Autohotkey. I am not running AHK but I do have a Logitech G19 Macro Enabled keyboard, though I am not using Macros. I am wondering what I should do to not continually get kicked from game after game in BF3 considering I have this keyboard.
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