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    War Excess
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. I solved it. I went all the way and enabled absolutely everything I had. If it was working before, it had to work now. Then I downloaded pbsetup and manually updated the BF3 pb files. Indeed, there was an update I didn't have at all. This solved the issue and Im now back to the latest drivers, running game booster to disable non-needed services, BF3 RealmWare borderless app running, dxtory recording, the nvidia overclocked and all cool :D.
  2. I don't seem to find the cause. Isnt there any way to find out WHY is pb so mad? Ill ask my other friends what app they have running. Perhaps we share some and we can narrow the search.
  3. Downgraded to 320.18, still happening . I cant play for more than 5 minutes :S
  4. Here is the error Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'nL-TeRr0rHvK' (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: Disallowed Program/Driver [90026]
  5. No, it was not MD5 Tool Check. It was "Program/Driver [90026] PunkBuster" something like that. Im pretty sure about the number. Now another colleague in BF3 says he had the same issue yesterday but didn't happen again now. Tonight when I'm back home I'll try again. If it happens again, I'll take a screenshot of the message. Is there anything else that could be of use? Like a log located somewhere or something? Thanks!
  6. Hello all, I have the same problem as this guy: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654348576419622/ I use an NVIDIA GTX 560 ti and the latest drivers. I had those drivers for weeks now, but yesterday it started to kick me out. It took PBBan about 5 to 10 minutes to kick me out. Why could this be? My GPU is overclocked, and Im using Nvidia's FXAA instead of in-game AA, but this has been working for a lot of time now. Could it simply be a bad pbban update? Or is there something I should check for? Thanks! PD: I couldn't upload a screenshot or anything cause Im at work right now, but that guy that posted yesterday in that thread has my very same issue. PD2: If Im not mistaken, these are my current drivers! http://www.nvidia.es/object/win8-win7-winvista-64bit-320.49-whql-driver-es.html Im also using Geforce Experience to update them. And again, I have had those for a while now.
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