Hello all,
I have the same problem as this guy:
I use an NVIDIA GTX 560 ti and the latest drivers. I had those drivers for weeks now, but yesterday it started to kick me out. It took PBBan about 5 to 10 minutes to kick me out.
Why could this be?
My GPU is overclocked, and Im using Nvidia's FXAA instead of in-game AA, but this has been working for a lot of time now.
Could it simply be a bad pbban update? Or is there something I should check for?
PD: I couldn't upload a screenshot or anything cause Im at work right now, but that guy that posted yesterday in that thread has my very same issue.
PD2: If Im not mistaken, these are my current drivers! http://www.nvidia.es/object/win8-win7-winvista-64bit-320.49-whql-driver-es.html
Im also using Geforce Experience to update them. And again, I have had those for a while now.