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  1. Ah, thank you.
  2. lol sorry dudes, I was alt-tabbing between two forums at the same time on my Galaxy S Advance. My intention WAS to post here, I just named you GGC by accident.Please accept my apology. :) For some reason I can't edit my first post to correct 'GGC' to 'PBBans', can you do it for me please? EDIT: @Buff, I'm asking about Realmware's BF3 Colour Tweaker.Has nothing to do with infamous 'Battlefield 3 Tweaker' which can be used to make cheats. Realmware's BF3 Colour Tweaker is there only to disable colour grade and to mess with RGB colours, saturation and other fine stuff. You can't access game files through it nor you can edit them and violate EA DICE terms of use/service, it's like having in-game colour panel and it's there only to modify colours.
  3. Hello, GGC! What about Ralmware's BF3 Colour Tweaker, any word/s on that case?Kick/ban? It can be only used to change colours and to disable colour grade/blue tint.You can't create/make cheats by using this tool.
  4. I saw that tweet. Let's say they decide to give it a GO and start banning people.They have to consult with PB first or how that kind of stuff is getting sorted?
  5. Yeah.Saw that tweet and lol'd.Personally, I used *.cas files and Operation Metro, Grand Bazaar, Damavand Peak and Seine Crossing looked GORGEUS AND AWESOME.It felt like I'm playing different game. It'd be really nice if they gave us an option either to choose to disable blue filter, or to leave it as it is.It'd comfort everyone.
  6. Using modified .cas files only to disable 'Blue Filter Overlay' or if you want - ColourGrading shouldn't be bannable. It's just another FXAA injector.So, if PB decides to strike on regular users using these files only to disable that retarded blue filter overlay, then it should strike on FXAA injector users also. Reason many people are using .cas files to disable blue filter overlay is because it has no impact on performance while using FXAA injector has huge impact on performance and it could took away like 20 FPS easily from you. Users who're using 'Tweaker' to modify weapons damage, to create no recoil and such should be banned.
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