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  1. Yes i read that mate , I was just replying to the guy that's pretty much calling me a cheat I am no cheat I hate people that do cheat and people that do should be ban ,But all i was saying is that I don't think people should get ban if not now but down the road for just tweaking the colours in the game to make it look better ,And yeah I understand that people can tweak the files but they cant do that within the tool so how is the tool cheating its not . I am using the tool and wont be stopping any time soon the game look amazing with it .Better then the dull game that dice give out .Turn off HUE and its like playing another game and no more pink cross hairs . So if this does become some thing that bans players I'm sure there will be 1000's that get ban and that's going to be sad day for EA i sure . I am not to sure how this tweak tool works I no people are getting kicked for a file cas_50 ? I Dunno but I scan my pc and there's no cas_50 and that's the file that players are editing right so this tool does not change a thing , Don't create any new files and don't make cas_50 or is it just look for bite size >?
  2. I am not adjusting the intensity of the sun , All I am using it for is to take out the blue tint where is the damage in that oh sorry I must be cheating don't think so man . Do you really think I would risk getting ban for all most £100 pound game with DLC's no . Just using the tweak tool to take out blue that's it and it giving a true red crosshair not pink like dice give us . All so let say they make another tweak tool with out the sun sliders would that make you happy .The game as it is out the box it dull and life less this tweak is the best thing this game could ever have ,And if people started getting ban for using that would be the craziest thing ever .I can understand them getting ban for editing and tweaking the files manually I agree with that ,But getting ban for using the tweak tool I would have to disagree with that . And I am no cheat and I hate people that do cheat but tweaking gfx to look better is not cheating my book .
  3. Ok thanks read that so just KICK good good .
  4. Hey there new here , So is this safe to use just to get better looking graphics or not because the game graphics as they are now look kinder depressing and have no life to them , So please is this safe to use ? I cant see what the problem would be to make the game look better do you ?
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