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    Serious Business
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Thanks for the answers, problem is solved now. Apparently I was mistaking with my guess on a ban from your system. Pervy2high is actually an admin who I just contacted. We're all fine now, my ban will be lifted as it was probably a mistake. Sorry for the inconvenience I may have caused to you ;) Cheers, BeAnotherOne PS - Thread can be closed, thanks.
  2. Hello folks, recently I am facing issues with joining servers on Battlefield 3 that are streaming to PBBans. Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: guid ^ That is the most recent Kick-Message I got when I joined this server. On one server I got a message stating something like "@pervy2high". I don't know what it means apart from that it has something to do with your streaming service. My Battlelog Profile: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/notBao/stats/247764139/ The last 5 digits of my GUID would have to be: 536e5 Apparently, there is no ban with this GUID recorded in your system, but I still cannot join servers that are streaming to PBB. For example I get refused to join this server, which is streaming to PBB: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/pc/8071fe68-aa69-45e2-a8a4-8a83ddd62aa4/2142-BrigGens-K1-CQB-24-7-No-C4/ Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your support regarding cheaters and such, but I have no clue why I am banned and neither I can tell when it happened. It just appeared on one server, but when I joined a second and a third I was noticing the same message. I'd really appreciate some help regarding this concern. Regards, BeAnotherOne PS - By the way, I have already sent a appeal ticked regaring my ban a while ago, but received no answer.
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