I'm glad your data at least confirms what I am saying. It sounds like that account was passed around like the village bicycle so I guess the odds were someone would abuse the community account.
I really, really hate hackers and I don't want to be labeled as one!
About 12 months ago my live in girlfriend borrowed on of my clan members accounts for a week to see if she liked the game or not. Now his account shows he was hacking in November and got his account master list banned. I don't care if he wants to hack but now they have linked our accounts to his account because we shared an IP address over a year ago! We have been banned on one of our favorite servers because they say "1 of your 3 IP addresses have been hacking" .
It doesn't look like our GUID's are on the master ban list but I still don't like the connection.
Is there anything we can do to remove it? Is it typical to ban people that could have shared a hackers IP address at one point in the past?