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Everything posted by diegoduder

  1. Gettin Falsly accused of wall hacking while in BF3 What the hept going on here? Bf3 have a lot of problem but wall hacking ? Where and how and why i cannot defend My self WHY i cant the shot that im getting Accuse? What in the Banana split happen here any body can accuse anybody with not a shred of evidence /and i will love to see my screen shot LOVE IT to SEE it when a bunch of looney toon post buulstaff and yelling for the witch hunt PNB you Better do somthing About ADMIN ABUSE Love to talk with sombody in your department or maybe i willstart a Lawsut This is not right and you know it ..we try to play game and then what ? I Want to see my SCREENSHOT AND UNDERSTAND WATH GOING ON
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