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  1. What worry's me is they accuse me of hacking, by downloading a hack and overlaying it on to the demo to try and highlight I was wallhacking by following players through walls ?
  2. I don't play on there servers, but they come to ours, the history is they used to be part of TTM a few members had a disagreement and made a new clan, a few other members followed them. headhunter1952 attends lans with them so he knows them all very well
  3. Ok m8 was just trying to get this resolved once and for all, As you suggested we might be co hosting a server with these OcG lot, I really wanted to start with a fresh slate without the constant accusations that grate on me :/
  4. This is a video of me made by the exact people I was talking about in the beginning of this post. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QSeUBWrpUsA
  5. Oh well maybe I did, No malice intended I just feel for the innocent players here :/ as I also have experienced ban happy admin and it's beyond rude.
  6. How can you suspect someone of cheating, they either are cheating or their not, pretty clear cut. Only thing I saw someone use before was some skin hack, where enemy's were bright red blue or green, which is hard to spot because they can see what they are supposed to but way clearer and even a helmet pixel sticking over a wall will be showing up like a sore thumb, I'm sorry if I'm coming across rude but seriously if you can't tell when someone is legit, you need to get someone with more Cod4 experience in your clan or maybe someone you know to spec these people. I'll do it if you like.
  7. Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my post, keep up the good work :party0049:
  8. So the fact I'm not linked is that ''concrete evidence''?? being as the Guid is from release of Cod4 in 2007, 6 years ago with thousands of hours of play time ? Edit: Sorry If I'm asking a silly question, it's just I don't understand the in's and out's of how this works.
  9. Hi everyone, I am looking for some information regarding Guid's and whether they mean anything when trying to disprove people that say I cheat. Screenshot of my PB history Is there a way to prove I don't hack, Is this PB history enough to prove I don't hack? Any help or information would be greatly appreciated Rob
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