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Everything posted by IcutU

  1. I Am an avid cod 4 player. I recently became aware of this NEW ban through the gaming servers. I was a bit surprised. However I have been complaining about one hack for a long time. WEll ...everyone thinks this latest ban is a mistake on Evenbalance and PBBans part. WEll I am here to tell you. I have already sparred against a suspected player of mine. I beat the snot out of him. Just like it was way before I ever noticed he was cheating. Now with this new ban in affect for this said hack...This guy has nothing and leaves after i beat his pants off once. Before he would stay and smash me till I left. I have been stating since I found out about this new ban: Please take a moment to think about this decission of changing the bans because everyone reports it as a mistake. I feel that maybe you hit the nail on the head this time EvenBalance. I Have noticed with the servers that are moding away perks in the game.... that this Most widespread and newest wave of bans has hit the perk hackers where it hurts. Many, many cheaters now have been leveled to they natural gaming state. That state is namely the: "I dont have skills and will cheat if i could! But they have made me play honest! " "Now i am mad because i stink and have not chosen this time to better my skillz. Instead I chose to cheat! Now i have been forced to play fair. And with that notion I suck. And am now leaving before you hand me my ass for a hat." Please do not lift this ban...This ban that everyone knows about ...yesterday was 17,000? Ah hahahaahah! Now I can actually play good. Because you eliminated all cheats I had to deal with on a regular basis. Thanks Even Balance. You will not hear praise from me like this ever. Chew on it now . It may only be this time i praise . --------------------------------- Just as a side not: I was playing on a very, very prestigous and worldY wide famous server. This regular player started stating he sucked! This all before i had heard about the big bans. Well he is of a Clan that has many players i suspected for cheating. Namely a player went to that clan with medeocre skillz... He returned with they tags on his name...and became unstoppable........ I asked said player what was wrong...Guess what he said?: I suck now! I said " wut?" He replied: "Yes over night i now instantly suck!" I told him: "With the skill he had it was impossible to " suck over night!"" Then I stated " " Unless................." Ah HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Said player then left the server. What it all boils down to: Is that they found out about the bans...seen they buddies names on the list HERE. Then they had to turn it off. Or they wouldn't be able to play at the prestigous server anymore.! Ah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEARS OF NOTICING THIS ...PLEASE DONT LIFT ANY BANS. THE PLAYERS BANNED OWE ME LOTS OF MONEY! THEY OWE ME FOR UPKEEP OF MY GAMING RIG. THE ELECTRICITY IT TOOK TO POWER IT WHILE BEING CHEATED AGAINST. THE INTERNET PACKETS I USED TO PLAY AGAINST SAID CHEATERS. THE ENTIRE GAMING INDUSTRY OWES ME FOR ALLOWING THESE PEOPLE TO PLAY. FOR MANY YRS THIS TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY HAS RAPED US! ALLOWING PLAYERS TO RAPE US TOO. NOW IT ENDS. Soon cheat prevention programs like this might be banned for not doing they job efficiently and plentifully...SO KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR SIX CHEATERS AND ANTI CHEAT COMPANIES....WE WILL RUN YOU OUT OF TOWN AND BUSINESS IF YOU DONT BOW TO US HONEST PLAYERS WHO MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO EAT FOOD EVERY NIGHT! IF THE FEDS DONT START LEANING ON COMPANIES IN THE AFFORMENTIONED. THEN WE WILL LEAN ON THEM. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END ........MYFRIEND! AH....HAHAHAAHHAAHAHH
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