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  1. Yep! I've deleted everything inside PB folder, Updated using PBSetup, Re-installed PB services, disabled antivirus(Avast) disabled firewall(comodo) and still getting kicked if I minimize the game. I'm 100% sure this started happening after the latest PB update/Game update. They messed up with something.
  2. I'm having the same problem after the recent PB update. My issue is kinda weird though. It kicks me only if I minimize the game for 1-2mins. If I don't minimize the game it wouldn't kick. I've created a trouble ticket in EB but they are giving the obvious replies like turn off background apps, antivirus or firewalls but nothing seems to help!
  3. Updating PB fixed the spawning issue..
  4. I'm running a linux server..Here is my PB folder. (Removed logs and CFGs) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/132908490/cod4/pb.zip
  5. If you are using Punkbuster on your COD4 server you must have noticed that there's no longer any kicks for global PB GUID bans and If you check the pbbans master ban index you'll see that there's only a few bans in COD4 in recent days and most of them are enforced bans(Manual bans for PBSS and DEMO). You'll also notice 1-2 EB violations which PB can detect without the help of the back-end. EB support has confirmed that activision has asked them to shut down their COD4 Back-end.
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