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Everything posted by snake4u

  1. Thanks for the information. Now with your explanations I understand that someone does not want to see me on your server..... Thank you. Jose.
  2. Why do I appear in the list MBI? Hello, I dont know if this is the appropriate method and the right place, I tell you my problem if you can help me: The server = E = 24/7 Karkand Boobies & Beer Infantry Only banned me and they told me it's because I appear in the list of pbbans and they refer me to you to demand an explanation... In this link my nick "snake4u" appears: http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srchtype=GUID&srchdata=f628cc59fe2f50a4aeb5ad176b99b737&game_id=13 In this one too: http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srchtype=GUID&srchdata=404fd3f02861cb9b91edc1aced548c24&game_id=13 My guid is 9d55dfb55a54d1bb1edc4e307a0bb9ff but I dont know why my nickname is connected to these others guid who used aimbot. I opened a ticket to Even Balance but they have told me that you have to fix the problem. I am at your disposal. Greetings. Jose Luis Ortega. (sorry for my bad english).
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