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Everything posted by tomooo

  1. Hello, and sorry if its not right place to put a question. Today when i was playing check my recon profile in battlefield play4free,and saw that i got a suspicius profile stats for pistol m9 59%hsr(91kill). well its very unpleasantly surprise for me.How is that happen. I use pistol only from very close and mostly when enemy didnt see me coming and aim head. Can you tell me what is wrong with that number of kills couse i had deagle too, so it is more powerfull and deadlyer then m9. It can be that i get on my assaault suspicius stats if I use deagle same way like m9. Iam little worried couse i think I play fair with no suspicius helping. Can you explain what is a suspicius stats and do I must fire bad with intent to dont be suspicius.How and can that be removed? And to whom is that suspicius and who acusse me for that? Its a little embarrassingly for me couse I think I always play fair. Hope someone can help with my worries and I apology if I didnt put question on right place.
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