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    Call of Duty 2
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  1. Okay! I am so sorry didn't see that topic. Thank you anyway. Btw I cannot go to that link :D get this msg: [#103139] You do not have permission to view this forum.
  2. After I set up my server to stream, using the Automated Streaming Setup Tool I should add my server to my account but I can't because my acces denied. It says you must have an account at PBBans to acces this area. I clicked on application page and I made my application. I don't understand if it is done why is my acces denied? Or where can I apply my application or what should I do? Please help! :)
  3. Hi everyone! I want to setup this PBBans streaming thing and I followed these steps: Joining PBBans as a Streaming Game Admin can be achieved in 3 easy steps: Create a forums account. (If you have one goto step 2) Setup your servers to stream using the PBBans Hub Guide. Signup for a Team Account. Verify your account has been setup by visiting the Forums. and my question is what is step 4 and if I do this steps will be my server be streamed?
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