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About ClareXoBearx3

  • Birthday 04/21/1993

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  • Location
    New York

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  • Name
    New Team of Weapons and Tactics
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 3
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  1. Hello everyone at the PBbans community, My name is Christopher, and I’m a staff member of the New Team of Weapons and Tactics gaming organization over at www.ntwt.us. Over the years, we’ve hosted Battlefield 3 servers on and off for PC, and most recently, we’ve had one running consistently for quite some time. In the past, we streamed PBbans services, but with my busy schedule, I unfortunately let that slip through the cracks on our latest server. I’m now planning to set that up again so we can contribute to the service once more. With that said, I have a bit of an unusual request. I understand that PBbans is a community-driven service that relies on donations and community support to keep it running. While I’m unable to contribute financially (as I mostly live paycheck to paycheck—aside from covering my server costs each month to keep things running, haha), I do have some available space and resources that could potentially be useful. If it would help, I’d be open to offering resources to host a redundant copy of the PBbans database for backup or failover purposes. Of course, I don’t know the full scope of what that would entail. For example: How much data storage would be required? What type of system is used? (e.g., MySQL synchronization with other servers?) Would this even be something the PBbans team is interested in? If this is something the staff would consider and wouldn’t mind explaining in more detail, I’d love to see if I have the resources to provide meaningful support. While I do live check to check, I consistently set aside funds for my gaming servers, and I’ve been keeping our community running since 2008. So, I figured I’d put this offer out there in case it’s of any interest. Looking forward to your thoughts! Best regards, Christopher
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