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Everything posted by TheVictoria

  1. Ok, thank you for replaying. I wanted an opinion, for I thought very abnormal K / D of him. I have 2500 hours in BF3 on two accounts and never seen a K/D as high.
  2. Esse jogador estava jogando no KHARG ISLAND e só matava com um hit de AH-1Z VIPER, vejam o score e o profile dele (Hard2HandIe). Anexo print. Parece que ele usa "Magic Bullets" no Viper. Links: Resultado Round: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/#!/bf3/battlereport/show/1/65295896/792971053/ Profile: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/#!/bf3/soldier/Hard2HandIe/stats/226900709/
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