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    Call of Duty UO
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  1. Hi guys, im searching for the program "FUD Bind Kicker" but i'm not having any luck. Does anyone have this program to share it? Thank you!
  2. Hi, i can't find what are this pb commands for, i hope someone can help me. Thankyou! pb_sv_pktsendmode pb_sv_mod pb_sv_netdiag (0 to 1) pb_sv_specname pb_sv_extraport (0 to 65535) pb_sv_nettoclientmethod (0 to 1) pb_sv_maxsendrate 16 (1 to 64) pb_sv_debug (0 to 32767) pb_sv_resolve pb_sv_addclient pb_sv_init pb_sv_reserve pb_sv_servercvar
  3. Hi guys, nowdays with windows 7 all SS we get are black but with B2 status, so if i find someone with ALL the screenshots with status B1 but all are black, is this a reason to suspect of a cheat blocking the SSs? In the explanation from PBBans it says that "Sometimes return a black SS", not always. Thankyou! The status codes are as follows: B0 = Application not active screen capture failed. B1 = Screenshot successfully attempted line present. B2 = Screenshot successfully attempted line not present. B0 - The game is minimized or in the background. B1 - Successfully received. Can sometimes return a black SS. B2 - Is caused by one of many reasons (drivers, hardware, bad connection, etc).
  4. Thanks!!
  5. Hi, im trying to generate a pbss file md5 to compare it with the log but i don't know how. Im using md5tool.exe with the command "md5tool.exe pb000001.png 0 2048" But none of the md5 generated match with the log files. Thanks.
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