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Everything posted by scramz

  1. Fragnets made it offical. http://clients.fragnet.net/announcements.php?id=55 I guess the best way to get cheap server is for people to come together and split on a dedi. I have a dedi with fragnet, I got a E3-1270v2, 250gb SSD, 4tb hhd, 32GB ram and 256 BF slots in london for £134 a month when on they website it is around £100 more. Never take notice of any pricing on the GSP website's, live chat or email them to give you a much better price, any GSP will always drop drop and drop. We all know BF servers are not cheap, defo not cheap after what they have done to the GSP list. Just shop around and ask questions.
  2. Last week they was not giving an answer and trying to swerve the question. Now is a different matter and for them to explain about beta servers and pricing coming up, they seems to organised to be guessing. Plus the companies who have been rejected have come out and said they have.
  3. Looks like fragnet are providing them too. You can move them to confirmed :D
  4. After continuing chats with Fragnet, one guy was not as scripted as the others and said 'We are not allowed to communicate about that yet ;) Cant tell you more more ;)' I Have a feel there is many GSP's for BF4 but all being kept quiet. Again, best just waiting. It is all just speculation at the moment.
  5. If true, it seems they are selecting GSP's which cover a large area across the world. I personally think some of the 'Set aside' GSP's will be granted the right's the provide BF4 only if they cover a larger area/service.
  6. This is a response I had from Fragnet.net 'As of right now we cannot confirm if we will be offering Battlefield 4 Server Hosting. We are still waiting on a status update from EA/DICE at which time we will be able to pass this information along to our customers'
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