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Everything posted by marcobg76

  1. and a very bad thing if one uses hack in bf3 and buy the same account BF4 and is banned according to my opinion and theft of money okay punished in bf3 but not in the 4th .... also because it may very well prove stats, etc, etc.
  2. I do not think the same guid, and also because if one banned in bf3 not done anything wrong in the new, do not you think?
  3. marcobg76


    si grazie :party0049:
  4. I hope so for you
  5. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php open ticket here and explain your problem
  6. tanksssssss :)
  7. im enter server list :)
  8. accept my server request streaming
  9. marcobg76


    vado in streaming application ce la mia domanda
  10. marcobg76


    ciao mi sono iscritto ieri per mettere il mio server in ppbans ho fatto richiesta e setup automatico quanto ci vuole prima che venga accettato?grazie
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