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Everything posted by Shasiane

  1. Sorry for the confusion. I meant in general, not from that thread. And I have done everything recommended in that post... everything except creating a new origin account. I see now that this is the best route to take but was hoping I could keep the same account so as to have the same username. But nonetheless, thank you for the help.
  2. First, please spare me the skeptical, cynical remarks about me being a hacker and trying to cover it up. Second, the story goes that I was falsely banned earlier this year because my origin account was hacked while I was inactive and, once I returned to BF3, found out that my GUID was added to the MBI for aimbotting. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-1b7bccea-vb303529.html. I created a thread at that point in time to try and resolve the issue (for any doubters) http://www.pbbans.com/forums/hacker-caused-erroneously-ban-any-advice-t172289.html?do=findComment&comment=444347. More to the point, I want to know if I decide to buy BF4 on the same origin account, am I going to be throwing away $60 or am I safe to play? And if not, will creating a new origin account resolve the issue or do bans work across IP addresses? In the previous thread I just linked, I was advised that purchasing a new game key on the same origin account would allow me to play BF3 -- which I did -- only to find out that I would also be banned across all BF3 keys on the same origin/battlelog account (not sure which it's linked to). Any real, non-sarcastic help would be greatly appreciated :) P.S. Sorry for the defensive tone, but my experience so far seems to be that people can't wait to tell me how full of sh*t I am.
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