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Everything posted by chessmaster94

  1. i know... i had their guid and ip... i can see all locations they play with xxx guid... but how to check is that player rwb player?
  2. if i have stream server i can see on HL (hub live) player guid and ip. i want to know how can i see is he rwb player if i have his ip? i saw in my gaming history on cb, cg and esl how people can saw is someone rwb. thank u for the answers
  3. no it is not... Please submit a re-activation ticket in our Ticket System and include the following information: .... i did all... but still nothing
  4. when it will be reactivated? i sent support ticket yesterday
  5. I need help to reactivate my pbbans account to stream my cod2 server. Account 14246 is inactive.
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