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{eVo} bOLLOCkcHOPs

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Everything posted by {eVo} bOLLOCkcHOPs

  1. Yes, its possible - Sometimes we see pbss requested from one server, but appear on a different server. Not sure 'which way round' causes this effect, but I'm fairly sure the Client always sends the SS back to the server they are currently on.
  2. lo m8 good to see you here :D
  3. Apologies from me too if there was any offence taken. ;) In my post I just meant to address the flaws in CB's anti-cheat policy (far too lenient imo) and offer some input as to how the ladder could be kept clean and fun for all. Peace :)
  4. Garbage I find your comments strange considering this is an anti-cheat forum. imo The point of having a very public, zero-tolerance policy on cheating is to create an environment where people can be confident that they are playing under fair conditions. The priority is fairness for all, not "how many people can we ban" <_<
  5. lmao :lol: I was afk most of last night, sorting out some things on ts (Well thats my excuse and Im sticking to it :P) Glad you dropped by though, I'll give you a shout on msn this weekend if youre about. cheers.
  6. :rolleyes: Doh!! Sorry m8 its: [email protected] ... nm I'll add you
  7. [email protected] for beta testing ;) Heres what i'm hoping for: imho the biggest selling point of this new league would be an up-front, clearly defined, zero tolerance attitude towards cheating. I would like to see PBBans 'officially' linked with the project and work closely with the league admins in defining scripts and server configs for matches etc. Make it clear that fair play is your NUMBER ONE priority, and I think you will have a lot of interest. :)
  8. ah... k... If I'ts a different server I apologise. :unsure: But I'm permanently banned from a certain FFA server (running tdm)... Could you double check your banlist please - My guid is: ****************e5cfe841 ;)
  9. I dunno lol...Usually I would help ofc.... Just pissed off that I'm banned from that server for admin decision: 'aimbot' :lol: :blink:
  10. Think he means pb screenshot. :rolleyes:
  11. We are interested :D
  12. Is it April 1st already ? :P :blink:
  13. Type /rcon status in your console to list all players, guids and ip's. If you dont have rcon access to the server you can type pb_plist in the console which will give you the last 8 characters of all players guids, and thats enough to search on.
  14. Would have the same affect as setting sensitivity=0 so..... watchlist? <_<
  15. To look for what? You can look all day, find NOTHING and still get kicked for Game Hook. It is based on past violations linked to the GUID.
  16. lol ... ok gj Could an admin maybe make this tutorial pinned? :blink: :D j/k
  17. Yeah well the thing with Game Hook kicks is...It doesnt matter that theres no cheat on the computer NOW...Its the result of a series of violations under the same GUID, logged by Punkbuster when your clan mate cheated in the past on PB enabled servers. He should be thankful he's been able to get away with it for so long.
  18. k thanks stymie.. If I remember correctly this script is illegal under the rules of most leagues (for example, I think CB dont allow it), and I think thats the right decision but just wanted to get some more opinions.
  19. I suppose strictly speaking he's right, it's not a "no recoil hack".... But it IS a script intended to reduce recoil, yes or no?? <_<
  20. Great!! How did you fix it?
  21. After re-reading my post I wanted to edit and remove this comment. Without incriminating myself too much, lets just say it was a bit hypocritical and I take it back. That said, SOF2 was worth every penny I paid for it. BUT I really like to use pro apps like Adobe Photoshop, Premiere etc but cant afford to pay those prices.
  22. Major its ok you still have one clean guid you can play with... ***************000e69fcd <---- clean These two: 02e89eb537d7fba1f07a2721e10cc952 and f20ed33f8414b98aa6f04c2e3f2bd63c have both been caught, but you can play with your clean one until either you get caught again (yawn), or you finally realise that cheating is for noobs. Hope that helps.
  23. Dre I can probably save you some time here... The guid has been used for cheating and therefore I'm 99.9999% sure the admins will not unban it. You will have to buy a new game and make sure you dont share your cd key this time. Maybe your friend should buy a new game for you since he was the one who got you banned. It amazes me how many people publicly agree that its wrong to cheat, but at the same time they think its perfectly ok to play using stolen software. :huh:
  24. :roll:
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