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  1. KorzeK


    Yeah that's fine. I'm just a bit annoyed at this person claiming it's fake because it's his friend and both are known hackers. As I said to the person, why would I make a post just regarding hackers on our scrim server and post a random pbss I caught out after checking the screenshots and then go through all the effort to edit it and get some random person I don't even know in trouble.. If I was gonna do that kind of thing, wouldn't I do it to someone I have a vendetta against? These people never ceased to amaze me though, typical hackers. Thanks for the response to btw, much appreciated.
  2. Hi all, We caught a player out with PBSS the other night on our Promod Scrim Server. This was just a random situation whilst checking the PBSS over the last few days of that Server. I posted this screenshot up saying that we are sick of hackers on our Scrim Servers. Today I had some person named HydroX come on our Teamspeak Server to have a "chat" and immediately this person stated that this screenshot was a "fake". Now, this person is a known hacker who is banned from competition and this person that I got a screenshot of was apparently his friend from what I was informed who is also banned for hacks a couple months ago from competition. Long story short. We aren't streaming with PBBans, yet. So this doesn't really matter at this stage. What I really want to know is, is there a program that checks and validates PB Screenshots and/or can someone validate this screenshot just to prove this douche bag wrong. I banned him from our Teamspeak because I was just fed up with his childish attitude and the fact he had the nerve to come on there and state it was a fake because it's his friend and both are known hackers. Who should I speak to regarding this to validate this screenshot? I'll attach the file here.
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