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  1. Thx for the info... Thats not me...could it be because I was playing on cracked with a cracked key before I actually bought the original game? I remember I was using a key from youtube and then some of my friends bought the game to play with the ''pros'' and i bought it too... I dont remember using that name at all...maybe someone else was used the same key before me. p.s i have a msg in RA from HSMagnet but it wont let me open anything...
  2. So what now? I tryed to contact those guys in the other site...i couldnt post or anything, I tryed to add them on steam/xfire and still nothing... They are obv inactive...how else can I fix this ban? I won't let my money go like that cos of that foolish ban...ill do w/e it takes :)
  3. Hey :D Ok...Since i couldn't contact any of them...Could you please do something about that ban(wich i can't find) because i never used ANYTHING plus i already lost to many points in CyberGamer due to that nonsense ban... Thanks...
  4. Hello...I get this message over some servers nowdays and i dont know why...I never used or tryed to use anything like cheats or hacks btw. bestest. PunkBuster kicked player 'bestest.' (for 1200 minutes) ...PBBansHub: Enforced External Ban List [Admin Decision] Could you please clean my guid(71d5e01e) from that ban that I get for no reason? Best regards...
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