I haven't looked into the repository yet, but this is how it will work:
If you are using the repository, you won't need to do anything.
Your logs will be parsed and violations added without you having to do anything. You won't need PAT or any other program.
Technically, the only thing that needs to be figured out is associating the log files with admin accounts here at pbbans. Parsing and logging the violations is easy. I'll create an archive system that will organize all the incoming logs.
If you do not use the repository, you will need to submit your logs to us.
PAT will take care of this for you automatically, or you can submit them manually.
There will also be a PHP version of PAT that will have a mini-MPI (for your server(s)) and a few other admin tools.
At this point, I don't think we should make the repository mandatory.
It is still in the testing stages and some admins may not want to use it for a variety of reasons.
I don't have an ETA for any of this. As Bob said, I have limited time for PBBans right now.
I want to thank all of you who PMed and e-mailed me with well wishes after the death of my father. I won't forget that.