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Everything posted by Comby_McBeardz

  1. That's my gripe for sure. "Professional" (as in, contracted to the company that makes the game itself) level Anti-Cheat Software should be about detecting hacks, not detecting stats that MOST LIKELY mean hacks. I'm sure their software will be great at detecting players that use damage mods, but how do you draw the line with aimbot-level accuracy? Where's the threshold between "hacker" and "good player" lie?
  2. From their site: "FairFight uses GameBlocks' proprietary GameChanger™ (Patent Pending) rule engine and database structures to evaluate players' gameplay actions and Make it a FairFight™ for everyone. Players' actions are tested against multiple statistical markers to identify cheating as it occurs. FairFight crosschecks these indicators using objective server-side reporting tools and takes action when both approaches correlate to cheating.” FairFight's graduated penalty system (warning/restriction/suspension) has been shown to effectively suppress and deter 'cheaters' by imposing prompt and appropriate penalties automatically, while simultaneously notifying them that continued misbehavior will result in harsher penalties. " I'm with Singh400 on this one. I remain cautiously optimistic about a new Anti-Cheat program. Here's to hoping it does a kick-ass job, but I will not be surprised if has a bunch of fine tuning needing to be done in the months after BF4's release to stop it from killing/kicking/banning legit players. The graduated penalty system sticks out to me. If a hacker is caught, why warn them? And is a warning just killing the player and letting them know in game chat to stop playing so well? It just seems to me like they've given the software a crutch by being able to warn a player nearing their definition of hacker/cheater based on stats instead of banning them outright to minimize damage from ban appeals (and bad PR) when good players are banned. By instead simply warning (which again I'm presuming means an Admin kill) these players they minimize how "damaging" false positives are to gameplay.
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