That would be fine if the maps were updated and/or designed properly in the first place. So many of the maps however are just plain broken when it comes to baserape. I don't know about you but when a game devolves to one team just sitting on the enemy spawn with the other team unwilling or unable to move (or both) then I get bored really fast. At that point I almost don't care if I am on the winning team or the losing team. If I am on the losing team I can either make a run for it and die virtually every time or I can smoke or provide covering fire to help get other people out, but 9 times out of 10 those other people don't move anyway. If I am on the winning side I can either hang back and do nothing since no one is escaping or I can join in the raping, which as a matter of personal policy I don't do, even on a BR ok server. Most of the maps would be so easy to fix against this issue, but of course they wont be, especially the legacy games.