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Everything posted by LeuRPDX

  1. No worries. I'm just commiserating with you, not disagreeing. While I'm not helping anyone admin any servers at the moment I often do and yea, at times it is real frustrating.
  2. It is interesting that so many don't see it as cheating. Lets see: They are playing a game, The game has rules (including house rules) and They are breaking those rules They are hoping they won't get caught The purpose is so that they can win. Breaking rules to win a game, imo, is cheating. The fact that those same people don't hang out on servers where there aren't those same rules suggests that they know they are breaking the rules and are doing it intentionally. Then they are "surprised" that they get their wrist slapped...
  3. Heh. No kidding huh? If they break the rules on a server with house rules they have the advantage in that most people are not going to break those rules, or at least they won't break them -first-. If they go to a no rules server then it is back to even footing because MOST of the people are going to do things like baserape ect. Not too hard to see their motives. lol
  4. That would be fine if the maps were updated and/or designed properly in the first place. So many of the maps however are just plain broken when it comes to baserape. I don't know about you but when a game devolves to one team just sitting on the enemy spawn with the other team unwilling or unable to move (or both) then I get bored really fast. At that point I almost don't care if I am on the winning team or the losing team. If I am on the losing team I can either make a run for it and die virtually every time or I can smoke or provide covering fire to help get other people out, but 9 times out of 10 those other people don't move anyway. If I am on the winning side I can either hang back and do nothing since no one is escaping or I can join in the raping, which as a matter of personal policy I don't do, even on a BR ok server. Most of the maps would be so easy to fix against this issue, but of course they wont be, especially the legacy games.
  5. Just picked one up. The sheer number of keys on it is nice, though the plain grid layout of the buttons is a bit... awkward. That said you don't need to use all of them, just find a comfey way to fit your hand and figure out which of them are intuitive to you. As per the look, w/e, I spend most of my time looking at the screen, not my mouse. ; ) Having 3 buttons AND a mouse-wheel along the top is nice though. For some wierd reason though it wont let you assign anything to the wheelup and wheeldown though. :huh:
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