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Everything posted by FuriouS_88

  1. Well, and what about this? He stole my cd key and now i am blame? I need a solution for this.
  2. I think you don't understand me. First i contact with ESL. (Copy&Paste) Me: Hello, I stop playing cod4 and ESL in February for reasons to travel. You can see in my profile xfire or just look my statistics in versus cod4. http://www.xfire.com/profile/todfurious Then you banned me when i am off in game and esl? This is ridiculous. I hope you give me an explanation and solution for fix this. FuriouS. Admin on ticket: Hello F u r i o u S - OFF, your GUID is on the banlist of our Streamingpartner PBbans (http://www.pbbans.com/). Thats why you have been barred for 6 months. Get in touch with PBbans, if you think the ban is not your fault. They'll decide if its or its not your fault and inform us about the decision. Best regards, lil'sis, ESL Admin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem is that I have not played 6 months and the player from Israel is banned in July I have my cd-key long time, then I do not know how he knew my cd key.
  3. Yes i can buy another cd key, but in ESL i am banned because the player from Israel use cheats, no was me. I sent ticket in ESL, they say me contact here with you. Well, as i say in the first ticket..In February I stop play cod4 / ESL. You can see in my profile xfire or ask admins in ESL for look my statistics. The player banned is from Israel, i am from Spain, Xfire: http://www.xfire.com/profile/todfurious ESL: http://www.esl.eu/es/player/4872562/ Really i don't understand this, i am banned without playing cod4? I need some solution for this because this is unfair. P.D Sorry for my english. Regards.
  4. I can't give you the link, but my guid is ( 2aba8110 ). I send two messages "Appeal this ban" and i have no reply. In the first message i sent i put the evidences that was not me. then..I have to do? Regards.
  5. Buenas, Hace 3 o 4 dias envie un mensaje apelando el ban que me habian puesto con pruebas y todo, hasta ahora no he recibido ningun tipo de respuesta, ayer envie otro y lo mismo. Que debo hacer? Gracias de antemano. Un saludo.
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