I don’t understand the rational for limiting the providers of servers for BF4. BF3 was very popular and it was largely due to the support from the service providers. I know I have played on a number of servers over the years and the SkL server hosted by Branzone is usually in the top 5 in the world for BF3 and why they weren’t included in this group is frustrating. There are some on this list of providers that were always crashing and had all kinds of issues that were not fixed in a reasonable amount of time. I would suggest that Dice go with all of the server providers and let the customers that paid our hard earned money for this game decide which provider to utilize. This could spell doom for Dice and BF4 if they don’t address this soon. Dice, don’t look back on this in 6 months and wish you would have listened to your customers. Fix this now.