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Everything posted by Mythril

  1. Personally I believe you should be hardware banned from EVERY EA game past / present / future. You are a cheat and you've been caught. A costly lesson and you deserve your ban.
  2. I can now understand why they wait a little while for the cheats to tail off but I think instead of waiting several weeks (least this is how it feels) they could issue the bans on a weekly basis. Least you'll have a feel good factor that something is being done quickly. Hard to explain. Did I read correctly that DICE would implement something into Battlelog showing you who's just been caught cheating for Battlefield 4?
  3. Thanks for your fast reply. I'm 99.9% sure that this guy was cheating. When the kill cam comes up, the person in question was a long way from my actual location plus I was technically underground at the same time. But yes, the net code at the moment is terrible. I was speaking to two people who work at DICE, Stockholm who came to visit me last night and they said that there is a dedicated team of people at DICE who go through all of the cheating complaints. I feel so sorry for these guys really. Most of the complaints will be due to the terrible netcode. Being shot around a corner or simply putting an entire clip into someone with no hit marker only for them to turn around and kill you with one shot. Why does Even Balance wait then for the cheats to tail off ? Why not ban them as soon as they appear ?
  4. I'm surprised it's taken this long to actually clock a cheater if I'm truthful in this new game. I would have thought it would have happened a good few days ago. I know there was cheaters in the beta as I've seen the YouTube clips all to many times but I'd hoped with Fair Fight in the game now as well as PunkBuster, it would make the cheaters lives a lot harder. Anyway this person had an aimbot enabled and wall hack. I was crouched in a pit on Zavid 311 under the stairs with a wall behind me and one to the right. He shot me from behind with a shotgun. Gutted. How does PunkBuster go about catching cheaters then ? I know there are ban waves every now and then but if I'm truthful, they don't seem to be all that often. These cheating sites that you have to pay a monthly subscription seem to have some very good cheats available if they can go undetected for several months at a time. Is it a lot harder to catch those types of cheats in action than say the free ones that you can Google. I've actually joined one of those cheating sites just to try and keep an eye on what's new but unfortunately I can not get that much information about what's new as you have to actually subscribe to the cheat service. I think not ! I've reported obvious cheaters many times in Battlefield 3 through Battlelog, followed the cheater for several weeks in the hope that they get caught either by PunkBuster or banned through EA/DICE but they are still cheating. No stat wipe (which is useless) or ban and they continue to spoil the game for myself and several friends of mine. I've read somewhere the other week that every cheat is detectable but it "seems" that some cheats are in fact undetectable as they've been going for many months. Can someone explain why this is so ? Anyway thanks for your time. I wish I'd got some proof of my cheater this evening but silly me, I forgot to write the guys name down. Regards, Mythril
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