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  1. He sent me the login and pass but it doesnt work and says i need to contact PBSS scanner developer to get an account. And ive sent him PM asking but he seem to be out of range:(
  2. Still doesnt work, would highly appreciate if you could approve the account if thats needed...
  3. Ok ive got the account login and password but when i use it it says contact PBSS scanner developer to get acount???
  4. Hi Ive tried the login i got but it doesnt work, says contact PBSS scanner developer, Sent a pm on GGC to Thanks
  5. Hi there is still no login/password sent to us. we have linked the ggc stream profile alonf with mail adress but no answer. We are aclan thats been playing competitive in many games for many years now. No i have found one of pur bettero BF players using an overlay that i can see on the pbscreem, but i really need this pbss scanner so i can see if i fins any hidden boxes as he has been accised for wh. Thanks
  6. I am, well we are streaming admin, have sent the profile link and my mail adress Sent it now with 2 different email adresses to. Hope to see the login info shortly:)
  7. Ive installed it and asked for a key but nothing comes:(
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