My problem is the fact I was banned in BF3 after getting to my wits end with discrete hackers (This was during the time even the battlelog admins were all caught with paid hacks, where in they were only given a slap on the wrist, and account resets via EA) and downloading a multihack to monitor our server and ironically our competition squad -- who were a little too good if you know what I mean. Being that I never actually hacked, I never really cared to hide that ban when the first punkbuster wave hit, as it was my own fault and was deserved.
BUT (and this is a big but) I was specifically told that I would not be banned in BF4 by EA support before pre-ordering on the same account, which is also my main origin account, linked to main email and also linked to my rank 10 veteran status for BF; Both incentives for me to order on this account, despite having a second origin account on which I play BF3 currently.
Now half the servers are streaming pbbans and I can't even play the game I just spent $75 dollars on. In part because I was lied to by EA support. (if the shared GUID statement is correct)
Is there some extenuating circumstance that can be applied here? I feel like a pariah or convicted criminal now. Is there anyway to deal with this, where in I don't get royally screwed over by Pbbans steaming and EA's lie?
GUID: 280d601829fe09f29fd9485a07e90c5c